2011 APHA Stallion
Bay Tobiano
15.1 HH 1100LBS
E/e A/a Homozgous Tobiano Negative for All other White Genes
5 Panel Negative
First let me give you a little history on our boy that we so lovingly call Merlin. Merlin was a started and finished Ranch horse of all aspects. When it came to ranching he did it all. While he was ranching our mare that was with his owner at the time had a hot date with nobody's knowledge. A year later he had been sold back to his breeder and our mare had a gorgeous Buckskin Tobiano Filly. The older the filly got the more we fell in love with Merlin and just had to have him. Reaching out to his breeder/owner at the time a agreement was made to purchase him and bring him back to Oklahoma where he would become a main herd sire for us. After a year off of riding my husband climbed on him the very next day of bringing him home and he rode off like he had never stopped. Wow what a horse. He was to good to just be a ranch horse and stallion so we made the decision to send him to the trainers. We sent him to Tommy Mather who did a spectacular job teaching him to be a solid team roping horse. Tommy did really well on him at the Ft Worth Stock Show in 2019 and the future was bright. Unfortunately Tommy broke his roping arm and took us out of the game. We bred mares and scrambled to find a roper for him for the APHA World Championship show in 2019. We did find a roper and we went although the season could have ended much better. After APHA World's was over and we had spent some time talking to some friends we decided we needed to send him somewhere he could get some more finesse for the show pen. This is where Jarvis Anderson came in and we are so very grateful he accepted our aged stallion and taught him so much. Jarvis only rode Merlin for approx 5 months total training time and made him shine at the 2020 APHA World Championship Show. In this time we had also been searching for a roper as we wanted the 2020 show season to be the best yet for him as we need to focus on his daughters we have retained in the coming years. We put out a post on Facebook trying to find the right match for him and someone that was willing to take on an aged stallion they knew nothing about. Zane Bruce came to our rescue, Merlin and him were a great fit and did well in the show in 2020. Merlin's show career has not ended but we will be backing off the Open classes and focus on my husband and I showing him in the Novice Amateur Classes. His foal crop is extremely limited and we have tried to match the absolute best mares possible with him to get some foals on the ground to get in the show pen and prove him as a top notch producer as well. Please read his Show Biography Below.
Show Bio:
Senior Steer Stopping- 1st Place Under all 4 judges
Senior Heading- 2nd Under 3 judges / 3rd Under 1 judge
Senior Heeling- 1st Under 1 judge / 2nd Under 3 judges
APHA World Championship Show
8th Place in Heeling
7th Place in Steer Stopping
4th Place in the Timed Event Team Roping Sweepstakes
Waco APHA Show (March)
Ranch Pleasure- 3rd Place Under 1 judge / 4th Under 2 judges
Ranch Riding 3rd Under 1 judge
APHA World Championship Show
Open Classes:
6th Place in Heeling
5th Place in Heading
4th Place in Steer Stopping
3rd Place in the Steer Stopping Side Pot
Reserve Sweepstakes Champion Heeler
Reserve Sweepstakes Champion Header
1st in the TX Bred Side Pot
Ranch Reining Finalist
Senior Ranch Riding Finalist
Amateur Classes:
5th Place in the Amateur Aged Halter Stallions
8th Place in the Novice Amateur Ranch Reining